Group details
Clivis Scottish Country Dance Society
Group profile
of practicing and promoting Scottish Country Dancing.
It was formally founded in 1991, building on several years of experience of a seed group practicing
traditional folk dances, and it focused on SCD under the guidance of Teresa Parker Edelmann,
accomplished member of RSCDS.
Since then, Clivis is associated to the RSCDS. Its activity consists of:
- weekly meetings in Turin, for SCD teaching and practice, from Autumn to Spring;
- a few weekend workshops per year, with lessons and evening ball with the assistance of RSCDS
certified teachers;
- participation to social events, shows and exhibitions for SCD demonstration and promoting.
Several Clivis members also attend Italian and international SCD stages, meetings and schools,
including St Andrews’ Summer School.
Throughout its lifetime Clivis welcomed a few temporary members, also from abroad, of differnt
ages and backgrounds. The Clivis experience also encouraged the formation of other
local SCD groups in Italy.
The average number of members in recent years is about 30, with about 20 persons attending our
weekly meetings.